The Race for Life logo.
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Two women in Race for Life t-shirts embracing with white headphones in their ears.

Race for Life #PlaysForLife

Beats to Beat Cancer: The Ultimate Race for Life Playlist

Music is a great way to get yourself motivated and energised when taking part in Race for Life – so we're building the ultimate Race for Life playlist, because life is worth Racing for.

It could be the song that always gets you moving, takes you back to a special moment, or that reminds of what you’re Racing for.

We’re inviting everyone taking part in Race for Life to share a song, and the story behind it, so that we can build the biggest and best Race for Life playlist whether you’re listening at home, out training or ready to take on the course.

Stay tuned to find out how to get involved and submit your song choice alongside your story behind it.

Pixie Lott launches Race for Life #PlaysForLife

Listen to the #PlaysForLife playlist

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A group of Race for Life participants showing off their backsigns.

Sign up to Race for Life now

There’s a Race for you no matter your age, fitness level or reason for getting out there. Find an event near you and sign up today.

A group of three scientists conducting research in a lab.

Our research

In the last 30 years, our research has continued to refine, improve and innovate radiotherapy, which now benefits more than 130,000 patients every year in the UK. Learn more today.