1. Race for Life
  2. Prepare for your event
  3. How far is 5k?

How far is 5k?

Everyone can have a go

How far is a 5k?

Depending on your fitness, it takes between 45 minutes and an hour to walk 5 kilometres, which is just over 3 miles. If you took it at a steady jog, you’d be crossing the finish line in a cool half-hour. 

So gather your mum, grandad, colleagues or kids for this accessible distance. Everyone’s a winner – the one thing we’re beating is cancer.  

Sign up to your 5k Race for Life

Ready to join us? Everyone’s a winner at Race for Life – our events are completely non-competitive and there's no pressure to finish in a certain time.

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Join Race for Life 10k


Up for more of a challenge? Join Race for Life 10k!